

Product No. martinet01-177-252

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Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux

This magnificent, copperplate engraving featured here displays remarkable, original hand-coloring. It is from Francois Martinet’s work with Buffon Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. The work was published between 1765 and 1780 by Edme Louis Daubenton in France. Each plate features a delicate yellow border, which many believe led to the development of French matting. Each plate is on fine chain-linked, watermarked paper.

Martinet was a prominent ornithological artist of the 1700s. He work closely with Count Georges-Louis Leclerc du Buffon on Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. The work is considered one of the most influential bird books of all time. Martinet also created work for Marmontel, Voltaire, and Philidor.

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