Floral Bouquet – Carnation


Product No. redoute-folio-bouquets021

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Collection de beaux bouquets lithographiés par divers artistes d’apres les meilleurs peintres de fleurs

This exquisite, exceptionally rare, folio hand-colored lithograph is from Pierre-Joseph Redoute’s Collection de beaux bouquets lithographiés par divers artistes d’apres les meilleurs peintres de fleurs. The work was published in Paris by de la Rue and London by Gambart between 1850 and 1855. The illustrations were completed by Redoute and lithographed by Grobon Frères and A. Prévost.

“There is no other bibliographical record of this book. That plates are no copies of those that appear in any other Redouté work.” (Great Flower Books) The work is exceedingly hard to find, with limited publication information, and likely one of the last publications in Redoute’s lifetime.

Redoute’s name is synonymous with beauty and in the world of botanical art he is known as the best. Redoute was renowned for his artistic ability and tutored such people as Queen Marie-Antoinette, Empress Josephine, Marie-Louise, and Queen Marie-Amelie. Redoute influenced a breadth of artists that followed him including Turpin, Poiteau, Bessa, and Prevost. Redoute is widely considered the finest botanical illustrator of the early 19th century, if not throughout history.

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