Saint Catherine Island, Brazil


Product No. choris005

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Vues et Paysages des Régions Equinoxiales, recueillis dans un voyage autour du Monde...avec une introduction et un texte explicatif

This originally hand-colored lithograph is from Louis Choris’s Vues et Paysages des Régions Equinoxiales, recueillis dans un voyage autour du Monde…avec une introduction et un texte explicatif. The work was published in Paris in 1826 by Paul Renouard. The lithographs for the work were completed by F. Noel and F. Bové after Choris’s original illustrations.

The work featured views of Hawaii, the Philippines, Tenerife, Brazil, Easter Island, the then-newly discovered island of Romanzov with its spectacular coral reefs, Kamchatka, the Cape of Good Hope, and Saint Helena. “Choris’s drawings are original and faithful pictorial representations of the subjects he drew.” (Lada-Mocarski)

“In July 1815 Choris, at the age of 20, joined Otto von Kotzebue’s expedition on the Rurik as the official artist. This was the first Russian circumnavigation devoted exclusively to scientific purposes and several well-known scientists contributed greatly to its success. Choris made a great many drawings during this voyage. In 1822 he published Voyage Pittoresque autour du monde.” (Lada-Mocarski)

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