Map of part of Europe [Great Britain, France, and Ireland, with Part of Spain, Germany, Denmark, &c. shewing at one View the true Bearing and Horizontal Distance of any Place within 700 Miles of London]


Product No. laurie-whittle009

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A New and Elegant Imperial Sheet Atlas

This exceptional map is from the very handsome atlas entitled A New and Elegant Imperial Sheet Atlas; Comprehending general and particular maps of every part of the world… The work was published by Robert Holmes Laurie and James Whittle in London in 1814.

Each engraving from the atlas has original hand-coloring and is on a large fold out sheet. The maps are after the work of cartographers d’Anville, Dunn, Jefferys, Kitchin and others. Some of the maps from the atlas date to 1794.

Robert Laurie and James Whittle meant as apprentices to leading publisher, Robert Sayer. They took over his establishment in 1794 and acquired a large stock of maps. The map here was from the last and most complete edition published in 1814.

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