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This beautifully adorned, originally hand-colored map of the world is from Peter Schenck and entitled ‘Diversa Orbis Terrae. visu incedente per coluros tropicorum, ambos ejus polos, et particularis sphaerae zenith, in planum orthographica projectio… Plat Ontwerp van verscheyde Aert-klooten.’ It was published in Amsterdam by Schenck in 1706.
Schenck’s map in particular marked a turning point in Dutch cartography. While previous maps used many classic mythologic figures and references, this map used a more scientific approach and representation.
This map is based upon Crel Allard’s map of 1696. (Shirley 578) Shirley’s description of the Allard map is relevant to Schenck’s: “The traditional decorative border of many seventeenth-century world maps has disappeared, and … [the] twin central hemispheres are surrounded by eight smaller projections depicting the world from various angles, and four smaller circular diagrams. The dark cross-hatched background provides a striking contrast.”
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