Map of Northern South America with Antilles Islands / West Indies


Product No. van-der-aa002

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De Aanmerkens-waardige Voyagien door Francoisen, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogduytsen en andere Vreemde Volkeren gedaan na Oost- en West-Ind

This rare historic engraving is by Pieter van der Aa’s De Aanmerkens-waardige Voyagien door Francoisen, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogduytsen en andere Vreemde Volkeren gedaan na Oost- en West-Ind. The work was published in Leyden (Leiden) by the author in 1706.

Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733) was a Dutch cartographer, publisher, and book seller. He was appointed to the bookseller trade from the age of 9 and went on to own a bookshop and auction house. He published many maps in his time, and became best known for his atlases on exploration and noted voyages. Much of what he published was composite atlases in which he utilized many other publishers plates and prints including Carel Allard and Frederik De Wit as well as his own work.

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